Mediplasma srl, the first spin-off of the University of Molise, was founded in 2010 with the mission of exploiting the high content of know-how acquired through years of study and research carried out in the academic, professional and technological transfer fields. companies, to develop, and offer to the industries of the sector, innovative technologies of surface modification of materials with the use of cold plasmas, apt to implement the clinical and commercial characteristics of contact lenses and of numerous types of medical devices that present still problems related to the characteristics of anti - bacteriality, lubricity, biocompatibility, durability, comfort for the patient, etc.
In fact, the bulk properties of the material used in the manufacture of a device often meet the characteristics required by the biomedical application for which it is intended, while the surface characteristics (chemical, roughness, surface energy, wettability and lubrication) may be inadequate.
In this context, plasmo-chemical processes represent an effective and economical surface modification method both in fundamental research and in the production of materials for biomedical applications.
The main advantages consist in the ability to modify the surface properties of the material without altering those of bulk, in the possibility of treating thermolabile materials with very few limits of shape and geometry, in the fine control of the surface chemical composition by adjusting the experimental parameters. Moreover, the reproducibility of the process carried out, guaranteed by diagnostic techniques of the plasma and the surface, allows the transfer of these treatments on reactors with different geometry and on an industrial scale.
The company is certified by the certification body